Saturday, March 24, 2012

Daegu Birthday

I have been slacking with the blog-writing; I admit it! So to apologize for my lack of commitment, I am plastering this one with many photos from my birthday weekend in Daegu. My friend, J, reserved a guest house for us which was basically an empty apartment in her complex with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. We arrived in Daegu Friday evening after getting off work, and stayed until Sunday afternoon. It was lots of fun with a great group of people. It definitely ranks as one of my top birthdays ever.

 Grace and Westley

J and Ryan

Stephanie and her new smart phone!

Son and Daniel

Stephanie, Son, Daniel, Waiter, Westley, and Grace

Daniel, Westley, Stephanie, and J

Ryan and Son playing beer pong! (Yeah, they have beer pong here, but only in the foreigner bars.)

Stephanie and J!

Haha! I absolutely love this picture!!

Son and his camera-faces!


Bahaha! Another one of my favorites.

Awww, the bro-mance begins.

Noraebang! (aka karaoke)

These two were really into it, and it was awesome!

Great time!


My wonderful birthday cake!

Everyone digging in!

The wonderful Miss J!

Bro-mance! It's not just an American-guy thing. Haha! Love this picture so much.

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