Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Daegu and Gumi

My town is in between two cities: Daegu (대구) and Gumi (구미). It's 15 minutes either way by train, so I have been taking advantage of this to have some fun with friends!

The first series of pictures are from Daegu. It was the first weekend after moving to Waegwan when I went. I met up with my friends Stephanie (another EPIK teacher) and J who was our class teacher in orientation.

The first place that J took us was a traditional Korean open-air market. This is a stand selling "fart bread". I wasn't brave enough to try it. The food we did eat there was delicious!

This is J (left) and Stephanie (right) inside the Hello Kitty Cafe. It was soooooooo pink! I was surprised by the amount of men and boys that were inside with their girlfriends. They didn't even seem embarrassed to be there.

Stephanie and I looking a little wind-swept. It was a pretty windy day that day.

And this was my coffee. How cute is that?

J and I outside the Hello Kitty Cafe. As you can see, very very pink!

We finished up our evening with an amazing dinner.

Now these next set of pictures are from Gumi. The guys that live above me invited me along to a volleyball game. At the time, I didn't realize that it was a professional volleyball game. It was unlike anything I'd ever encountered at a sporting event. I felt like I was inside one giant advertisement. For starters, the teams are owned by a business so the team names are the business names. Everyone inside the stadium are chanting this business's name. Gumi's team is L.I.G.

The athletes themselves were excellent players. It was an exciting match. It was just so bizarre to have it to blatant that this was just a promotional event for a business.

The teams also had professional cheerleaders, which is something the guys in my group really enjoyed, haha!

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