Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Farewell to Orientation

This is a little out of order, but I wanted to post these pictures up. These were taken on the day we were picked up by our co-teachers. We loaded up into buses, and drove from Daejeon (대전) to Gumi (구미). We had one last lunch together with everyone moving to Gyeonbuk province, and then we were individually picked up by our co-teachers.

This is Darren (left) and Andy (right). Good guys.

The Americans! Son (left), Stephanie (obvious), and Ryan (right).

This picture is just to stress the Korean cuteness factor. Anything that can be made cute or pretty is.

Ryan with his manly cup of coffee. It takes a real man to drink from something so pink and floral.

The lovely Helen from England. I think she got something with chocolate (probably a mocha).

And this was my cafe latte. It's probably the most cute and pretty cup of coffee I have ever had in my life.

Saying goodbye (for now) to my wonderful Korean orientation teachers Juhyun Do (aka "J") and Daniel. Great, great people. I actually teared up when I had to say goodbye to these two.

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