Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking a tour of Waegwan

I mentioned before in a previous post that when I got to my new apartment everything was all set up for me by the fabulous Megan. Well, Megan left me a cute little note pointing me upstairs to two other English teachers who have been here for a year: Alex and Arno! So I went and knocked on their doors, and they were kind enough to take me hiking and show me around Waegwan. These pictures are mostly from the hike once we got to the top. I had told Alex specifically that I didn't want something too difficult...we ended up climbing a mountain!

This is looking down from the top at the river that runs through Waegwan (왜관).

Another shot of the river.

Cool little gazebo-type structure where you can sit and have a picnic, or collapse from exhaustion.

There was actually a war memorial at the top dedicated to both Korean and American soldiers.

This is Arno (left) from South Africa and Alex (right) from England. At certain parts along the trail there are these public exercising machines. This one had two parts which is being demonstrated by these two. Arno's is a massaging back roller where you have to kind of squat up and down to get the effect. Alex's has two back rollers, and you go side-to-side for that one.

This was coming back down from the hike. We weren't quite sure what this area is. It kind of reminded me of a graveyard, but I think it was more memorials for Korean and American soldiers.

A kind of lop-sided shot of the pagoda...memorial?

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