Thursday, August 2, 2012

Jinju, aka What Amanda and I did after escaping Jirisan Mt.

So Amanda and I realized Jirisan was a little too much for us to attempt without any prior training. We did make it up to the tallest temple, and we are content with that.
Overall, we were on that mountain climbing for 7 hours. 4 hours straight up and 3 hours straight down.
Once off that mountain, we celebrated with: showers, coffee, burgers, and makgeoli (Korean rice wine). And of course plenty of water, Mom.
Since we didnt have to climb back down the next morning, we were able to do a little site seeing. 10 minutes down the river path from our motel, there was an old castle.

This was the riverside path we walked along. Jinju really is a beautiful city. I think that we're going to go back in September for their Lantern Festival. They release thousands of lanterns down the river. It should be a beautiful sight to see.

Inside the castle grounds.


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