Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Students

So for those of you who don't know, I teach at an all girls' middle and high school called Sunsim Girls' School. It's a private, Catholic school. However, not everybody who goes is Catholic. Some aren't even religious. So I'm not entirely sure what qualifies these girls to attend apart from entrance exam scores. It's a mystery.  The high school part of Sunsim was designated a "good school" by the Korean government, and as such was invited to attend the Good School Expo. There were about 80 schools ranging from kindergarten all the way up to high school. These are some pictures and videos I took while at the Expo.

Girls manning the booth for our school.

Our school!

Banner for the Good School Expo

She's a cutie pie.

Having lunch with teachers and students at an outdoor pavilion.

Teacher and student lunch.

These are two of my first year high school girls. They are great.

Roof of the pavilion.

The pavilion looked out over a pond.

View from the pavilion.

More students. These are my second year high schoolers.

My girls!

This is one of our school's clubs called: P.A.S. Power and Strength. They are a dedicated group of girls. They practice all the time.

This is our orchestra.

And finally, our choir.

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