Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 3 Part 1

Today was a pretty packed day, and it isn't even over yet. I'm going to divide it up into two different posts. The first part will be from this morning. I was able to go on a tour of a local middle school here in Cheonan. These pictures of of that school.
This is the front of the school, as you're walking towards the main doors. That is Jin's father-in-law talking on the cellphone.
This is one of the classrooms. I'm told that this school is exceptionally nice, because it's only a couple years old.

This is inside the principal's office.

And this is the principal's chair. I'm not sure if there's any significance to the white covers and pillow.

This is Jin! We were waiting for her father-in-law to finish with his meeting. He's one of the school's administrators.

This is the restaurant we went to after leaving the middle school. Jin's mother-in-law owns and runs this restaurant. It's been in business for 20 years now. The seating area is the raised platform. Once you step up onto that, your shoes have to be off. There are cushions stored underneath the table for people to sit on.

This is what we ate. It had chicken, rice cake, sesame leaves, cabbage, onion, and red pepper paste. It was bubbling in the pan while we ate from it. This is made from a recipe that Jin's mother-in-law inherited from her mother.

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