Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Sorry it's been a while since I last posted anything. I am currently in the midst of orientation for the EPIK program. We are in Daejeon (대젼) at an enclosed campus. Today has been the first full day. We've been in classes since 9AM, and we have one more to go after dinner. But this is one of the few long days like this, and all of the classes have been very interesting and helpful so far.

I'll post a few pictures of some of the other teachers here with me, and the campus area.

 The girl on the left is my roommate Katie, from Ohio. To the right is Travis, from New York City.

This is looking down the table at the other teachers. We stopped at a local bar just across the street from our campus. The beer on the table is Hite and Cass, which are both Korean beers. The smaller green bottle is Soju, which is a Korean liquor made from rice. It takes a bit like a lower-alcohol vodka.

These are three guys that are in my class with me. The guy on the left is Chris, from London. In the middle is Son, from San Diego. I can't remember the guy's name on the right (I'm not the best when it comes to names).

This is looking down from the second floor patio/garden of the cafeteria building.

This is also from that second floor patio.

This is the building where all of our lectures are held. I'm not sure if you can see it, but the banner says: "EPIK Lecture Building".  That's also where they had our opening ceremony for the Orientation where a group of local high school boys played a traditional Korean style of drumming called "samunori" (사무노리). They were incredible!

This is a quick shot of the road going down to the entrance to the whole campus area. I'm not sure it comes through since it was cloudy, but there are mountains in the background. There are mountains everywhere in Korea (at least in all the parts I've been so far). It's really beautiful.

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