Monday, February 13, 2012

I have finally made it to South Korea!! This is my first full day here. I haven't had a chance to take many pictures yet, but I'll post a couple. I'm currently in Cheonan 천안 which was about a two-hour bus ride south from Incheon Airport. My friend Jin's in-laws have very generously let me stay with them for my first week here before I go to Daejeon 대전 for my orientation. The two pictures I have are taken in their apartment.
This is 보리 (pronounced bo-ree with a little roll on the "r"). It means "barley" in Korean. He's very, very cute and looks like a small lion with his hair cut.
This is the living room. The small table in front was pulled out for breakfast when family came to visit. Today is Jin's father-in-law's birthday so there will be many family members coming throughout the day to visit. I also have to mention the awesome floor-heating system in Korea. The whole space is heated through the floor by hot water pipes underneath. You would love it Mom! You'd never have cold feet again!

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